Monday, January 14, 2008

still exploring, day 3, Hyderabad

I'll keep it short this time as I'm really tired. Woke up early (10) today and around 11ish I heard a knock on my door. It was Aly and Mike apparently they pinged to say they're coming but it never got through, so they had to wait for couple of minutes till I got ready.
Today started the Pongal holiday (lasts 2 days) and the tradition is to fly kites. After having a short visit to the drag store (found out imported stuff with exactly the same prices like home) we went to Paradise hotel to have lunch with fellow Hyderabadians from the Checkout team. We had a traditional hindi dish and went out really full. It was nice to hang out with some locals.
Later Sushill one of the checkout guys invited us to his house where we went on the roof to watch the kites flying and tried it out ourselves. The skies were full of colorful kites. They fly them really high up and try to knock down each others. They're real experts. I don't wanna know how many kids fall off the roofs on this holiday (quite a few I'd say, sad.) He then welcomed us to his place with some home-made cakes his mom made.

Exhausted from a long day we went to Aly's place to hang out together and after a short while we found ourselves with few other expats in a nice Italian restaurant. With their advice I got ceaser salad. Hopefully I won't regret it by tomorrow.
It's time for me to go to bed. I told Viktor to knock on my door as he's coming in tonight. We'll see if I'm gonna wake up.

Oh yeah, tomorrow is my first day in the office, I can't wait to meet my team and I already have sooo many great ideas.

You can also have a look at Aly's album. She's a great photographer.

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